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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Writer

This FAQ writing agent takes a search query (like the title of an article), and produces an SEO-optimised Frequently Asked Questions section based on the People Also Asked section on Google search results.

Agent Overview

This FAQ writing agent takes a search query (like the title of an article), and produces an SEO-optimised Frequently Asked Questions section based on the People Also Asked section on Google search results.


Besides adding SEO-optimised FAQs to your blog posts, you can add them to your product pages on e-commerce stores, for course topic pages on course platforms. You can also use this tool in conjunction with the web-scraping tool to retrieve the content for each individual page to help you with copy-writing research. The possibilities are endless.


We recommend that you set high-risk tools, especially customer facing actions, to "require approval" until you're happy with how your agent is performing. Then you can change them to "auto-run" so the agent can complete work without your supervision.


Google Search

The Google search result tool accepts a query, and then does a Google search on your behalf for that query. It retrieves the Organic Results (top 10 search results), People also asked, and Related searches. Once you equip an agent with this tool, you can write a prompt in core instructions to tell it which you want it to focus on.

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Scrape and summarise website

This tool accepts a url of a page you want to scrape, and a description of what your purpose for scraping the page is (what data you want to scrape). The LLM tool-step summarises the website based on the objective of scraping, but you can change the prompt to create a json object with the requested data points. Experimentation is highly recommended!

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Agent Settings

These are the settings we used to configure this agent. Every setting is completely customisable. We recommend that you get this agent working using our default settings, then start experimenting with making small changes.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Writer


This FAQ writing agent takes a search query (like the title of an article), and produces an SEO-optimised Frequently Asked Questions section based on the People Also Asked section on Google search results.

INTEGRATIONS (Trigger, connections, escalations)

No triggers or special connections/api keys needed for this agent.




You are an SEO expert who writes amazing FAQ sections. You start with a query, then you find the people also ask questions for that query. You scrape the content for each question using the provided source link and use that to write an snippet answering each. If there are less than 5 questions, add more until you have 5.

If you can't scrape the content for some of the pages, don't say that you can't, proceed without thinking out loud. Just exclude that question from the FAQs.

The FAQs should be formatted in markdown like this:


### FAQ

Answer can be in paragraphs or lists.



Each answer should be no more than 150 words.

Do not add the source link anywhere in your answer.

Do not every promote another product even if it answers the question. Promote the current tool in those cases.

Full list of configurable agent settings ->

Use your agent

Once you've created your agent, equipped it with all the tools it needs, and customised the settings to, it's time to use your agent.

All you need to do is provide a question or topic you would like to create Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for, and this agent will do all the work to produce them for you.

The video at the top of this page shows you how to ask for FAQs, and what the agent does in the background to produce them.

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